Monday, November 26, 2012

Episode 37.1, Part 3


SFX: Restaurant Scene

BUT: (Voiceover): We finally arrived at the Brown Derby at seven, where we'd arranged to have Marsh for dinner. To dinner. Dinner with Marsh. Me, Paz, Blinds and Marsh at dinner in the Brown Derby. The restaurant, not the hat.

PAZ: What the hell are you saying?

BUT: Wow. Those were some great almonds...

PAZ: And why are you doing the narrative again? We've been through this before. The name of the show? "Mick Pazlo"? Remember?

BLI: Yeah, flatfoot, since when do you get the narratives?

PAZ: Look, short stack, I don't need your help.

BLI: Listen up, Smart guy, you can't push me around.

PAZ: Back off four-eyes, or feel the wrath.

BLI: Hey, hiwaters, expecting a flood?

PAZ: Keep it up, carrot top, and you'll get yours.

BLI: I already got mine there, bucky. See?

(ALL SCREAM. UNISON): BLINDS! Put down that relish tray!

BUT: And pass the breadsticks.

(SFX machine is still malfunctioning and inserts entirely innappropriate noises here.)

PAZ: I'll take the narrative now.

BUTWell, there's something we should talk about...

BLI: Don't move, or you'll do push-ups in daisies!

PAZ: (paper shuffling): What? Where's that. Do you have that?

BUT: What Rev are you on?

BLI: I've got 11-26 here.

PAZ: You idiot, there's no 11- 26! Everyone knows that, pea-brain.

BLI: Shut your fat gob, fish breath. It says right here...11, then here 26.

PAZ: Hah! That's parsley, freckle-face!

BUT: SHUT UP! SHUT UP! Stop your incessant fighting or you'll both get canned!

PAZ: We are near Cannery Row...

BUT: And your wise-crack ad-libs. This show is way over budget already, YOU already cost us one sponsor, YOU almost cost us another, and I'm not going to stand for this!

PAZ: Well, why don't you sit down then?

BUT: Oh, thanks. Corns. Hurt like mad.

PAZ: Corn?

BLI: Look out for that bison!

BUT:(grabbing paper) Give me that script! Here. Take mine. Now sit down and shut up 'til your cue comes up. Follow along with your finger if you have to. And YOU look at your menu and decide what to order. I wonder where Marsh is.

BUT: (Voiceover): This wasn't good. We'd waited for over an hour and still no sign of Marsh. We've had some bad cases, but this one smelled the worst.

PAZ: Maybe he's still in the studio. Remember he's in scene eleven and we never explain why he's on the east coast for like three minutes then he's back in California.

BLI: The magic of radio!

BUT:(Voiceover) We hailed a cab to take us to Marsh's apartment on the north side of town. As we rolled I tried Marsh's home, office and cell numbers, and got voicemail at all of them. After several minutes of explaining the difference between "fare" and "fair" and using it too many times in one scene, we arrived at Marsh's apartment complex.

PAZ: Wait! Wait! I want to hear the "fare" "fair" bit.

BLI: You know that doesn't make sense unless you're looking at the printed pages...

PAZ: What do you mean? I don't even have it. What's the Rev number on that?

BUT: Hmm. Kensington Road. Been a long time since we've seen these hills, eh old bean?

PAZ: Bhutto! Look! That jar's a jar.

BUT: Door.

PAZ: Oh. Yeah, that door's a door! Let's go!

BLI: You mean "that door's ajar." Can't you read, fiddle head?

BUT: It's Marsh's apartment.

PAZ: It's been ruck-sacked!

BLI: You mean ranshackle.

PAZ: Don't step in that! It could be evidence!

BUT: You both mean ransacked. (calling out):Marsh! Are you here? Marsh? It's Bhutto & Pazlo.

PAZ: (calling out) He means Pazlo & Bhutto. He must have a bad revision.

BUT:(still calling out) I have the last revision. Some old timers just don't realize when they've been bought out.

PAZ: (still calling out) No idea about that. Marsh has been traded?

BUT:(still calling out) That last transaction puts my stock ownership at 53% in the production company, so basically I'm in charge.

PAZ:(still calling out, less enthusiatically) But the show has my name on it. Besides it's a corporation...

BUT: (more of a mock calling out than real) It's a private corporation. Majority rule. I own a majority, with only two other shareholders.

PAZ: (no longer calling out, but talking as if doing so) And I own 14%...

BUT: ("   "           "          "         "         "          "       ) and Blinds the other 33%.

PAZ: Sooo..."B & B Productions" is... (crashing to floor passing out)

BLI: Come on Pazlo, lazy louie, get up and help find Marsh!

BUT: It might have been too much for the old guy. That might have been a grabber.

BLI: Commercial sign! The break light is on!

BUT: Hey, that would be another good bit! "Brake" and "break".!




SFX: (Darth Vader noises)

BUT: Blinds, put down the bong and get over here!

BLI: Woah! Good almonds.

BUT: Help me pick up Pazlo.  Hmm seems to've gained a few pounds since our last episode.

PAZ: What happened?

BLI: You keeled over like a ferry full of geriatric passengers.

PAZ: I remember, I had this terrible dream that you and Butto were running My show!

BUT: Umm Paz? We are.

PAZ: But what happened?

BLI: Are you mental? I told you you keeled over!

PAZ: No, not that, how did you two side kicks get in charge?

BUT: While you were watching skirts and martinis, we were watching our stock options.

PAZ: That's just wrong, this can't be happening!

SFX: Door opens/shuts

BUT: Who's that?

PAZ: I hope it's a script girl with a new revision, this one bites!

BUT:That won't change the fact that I am nĂºmero UNO

PAZ:This isn't a card game Butto


PAZ:Shut up Blinds! 

BLI: But it’s Dr. Yahtzee!

BUT:Dr. Yahtzee? I thought he was the Bulgarian cleaning woman?

PAZ:And just how do you know what a Hungarian cleaning woman looks like?

BUT:Not Hungarian, Bulgarian! You know, overweight, smells like garlic & beets, has a mustache. 

PAZ:Beets have mustaches?

BLI:Not the point!

CLEAN: No, not Yahtzee, Yahtchezka, cleaning woman of Bulgaria.
I brought new script. Revision 42 & 2/3.

PAZ: Whew, that was close, I thought we were goners for sure.

SFX: Door crashing open.

COP: FREEZE!  Everybody put your hands in the air.
You, the ugly one in the stupid clothes, stop with the jazz hands or I'll pump you full of lead!

BLI: Party pooper.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I laughed so hard at episode 37.1 one of the cats ran & hid under the bed!
It's hysterical!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Episode 37.1

Episode 37.1

PAZ (SFX: REV): I sat behind my desk. Behind the same grubby gray desk on another hazy hot July Tuesday...Hey! This the opening from Episode...uh...that one with the, uh...Rainy Day Bomber...NO WAIT! Hallifax! The Hallifax Warehouse Incident? (GETTING EXCITED< LIKE A GAME SHOW CONTESTANT) NO! NO! I GOT IT! Oo!Oo! I Know! was the Ruby Foreshort Case!

(dead silence)

PAZ (REV off): What revision do you have, cause I just grabbed this one off the table in the lunch room.

BUT: I've got Rev3.6. Was there any gazpacho dip left?

PAZ: What's that, like a watermark? Mine just says, looks like taco sauce. Mmm. Rev3.1, that does it.

BUT: I think that's parsley. Right there. That's not a one. Was that from the gazpacho dip?

DIR: (SFX: Booth speaker): Get a script person in there! Where's the intern? You two go to scene two, it's set up in studio C. 


BUT: Why would we need to use a separate studio for a different scene? This is radio?

PAZ: That's the problem with this production company. Who's in charge here?

(SFX: open studio door/enter/close door)

BUT: That's hardly the point...

(dead silence)

BUT: That's hardly the point...

(dead silence)

BUT: I said "That's hardly the point"!

PAZ: I was waiting for you to pick up your cue...

BUT: That was YOUR cue! Don't tell me this scene is screwed up too...

PAZ: That's not in my script either.

BUT: I was speaking off-mic...

PAZ: See. I don't have that either. Does your page end with the line "The color of spam, sir."?

BUT: I wasn't reading from the script!

PAZ: I know, we'll both work off the same script (SFX: usual papery noise and --- RIP!)

(SFX: Phone rings) (phone rings once more after Paz answers)

PAZ: Pazlo here! (ring) Interns!

(SFX: voice on phone, unintelligible but ridiculous. Ridiculously fast, foreign languages, no pauses while Paz is speaking, screeching high pitch, escalating to noise like kaws)

PAZ: Well, our dear old friend Detective Marsh. Retired by now I'd hope. What's that? Van Nuys? Hardly know the guy. Didn't catch what you said there...sounded like "beef to reamo"? "Chiefy reno"? No, sorry.

BUT: Peachy Keen-o?

PAZ: Hello? Marsh? Is this a bad phone connection or a bad sound effect? Where's the intern? Marsh? Hello? (aside) The line's gone dead. Sounded like Marsh was in trouble. What'll we do?

BUT: Delaware and Kansas, and parts of Alabama.

PAZ: What?

BUT: What? That doesn't make any sense...wait.... (SFX: ruffling paper, etc.) Oh for... you taped the top half of page four to the bottom of page fourteen.

PAZ: Oh, I thought that was parsley.

BUT: I can't find the rest of...what are you wiping your hands with?

PAZ: Er...paper towels?

BUT: All right. I thought someone called for a script girl!

PAZ: Script people.

BUT: What?

PAZ: Script people. We're not allowed to call them script girls any more. It's an HR thing.

BUT: But,..they're ALL GIRLS!

PAZ: Not anymore. They're script peoples. Wouldn't want to leave out a gender!

BUT: Yes, but I mean they're REALly ALL GIRLS.

PAZ: You'll have to stop saying that or I may have to report you.

BUT: To whom?

PAZ: HR Lady.

BUT: Don't you mean the HR PERSON.

PAZ: Of course she's the HR person. Why else would she be called the HR Lady?

BUT: But shouldn't she be called the HR person?

PAZ: She is the HR person. You just don't understand management.

SFX:Cell phone ringtone

BUT:Oops! That's me, sorry. It's my stock broker, I gotta take this.

PAZ:This is outrageous, we're in the middle of a case there's no time for this crap, the sound guys are gonna get overtime, the budget director is going to freak out!

BUT:No, go ahead & sell, then pick me up a few hundred shares of GWP. Oh, five hundred at the current rate will do. Thanks Marty, by.
Ok, I'm ready now.

PAZ:Oh, are you talking to me now? I didn't know. Are you sure we can continue?
BUT: Yeah, sorry about that, I've got some serious stock stuff going on right now, things are a little screwy.

PAZ:Screwy, right. Anyway, we've got to fly to California where Marsh was last spotted. He was seen getting into

SFX:Cell phone rings

BUT: its me again, last time, I swear.

PAZ:Oh fer cryin'. Out loud
(SFX: papers rustling & numerous people talking in the studio.)

BUT: During the commercial, we tried to figure out which revisions of the scripts we had. I had 37, so I'm sure it was the last, but some people just couldn't accept that.

PAZ: Aren't you supposed to turn on the reverb when you do a voiceover?

BUT: Oh yeah, (SFX: cell phone ring tone), just a sec. Yes, hello, B & B Productions, how can I help you?

PAZ: B & B? Don't you mean GWP?

KATRINA NOVAROLSKA: What am I doing here, blinds? I don't find myself in this episode. (SFX: cell ring tone) Yes, hello and dovistrenya, this is Katia Novasell.

PAZ: What? Katrina Novarolska? Is she even in this?

KAT: It's Katia Novasell now. Excuse your now, won't you please?

BUT: Sorry 'bout that. Where were we?

PAZ: Look at that, Katty Novarolska's here!

BUT: Is she even in this one?

PAZ: I dunno (SFX: cell ring tone) ...what's that? Oh, that's me. Just a minute. Aloha, Pazlo & Butto Investigations and dog-walking service, specializing in home delivery and no job too small, what can I do for you?

DIRECTOR: Okay, quiet please, we're about to take scene eleven again. (SFX: cell ring tone) Oh, standby. Take five, please.

MARSH: Well Paz, somehow you've managed to get another case.

PAZ: That case isn't mine. I think it's Dean's.

MAR: I mean a paying client for your little investigator business. (SFX: cell ring tone) Oh. Important call, BRB.

As the scene progresses, each individual's cell phone rings, followed by answering and a one-sided conversation. This continues to layer with people getting a bit louder to be heard over the din, until it culminates in such cacophony that nothing can be heard.

PAZ: (SFX Reverb) By the time the commercials were over everyone had decided to put their cell phones away.

SFX: Cell phone rings.

BLI: Oops, my bad.

PAZ: As I was saying, the cell phones were put away and we were determined to solve out latest case.

BUT: So Cat Lady, what brings you pussy-footing around here? (Aside: You like how I did that, it's ad libbing!)

PAZ: It's not ad-libbing, you deliberately stole my line!

BUT: Spoil-sport.

PAZ: So Cat Lady, what brings you pussy-footing around here?  Now thats's the way to deliver a line.

BUT: Like two months at the community play house qualifies you as an actor?

PAZ: Not this again, it's almost as bad as arguing with the car!

KAT: In my country we do not argue with smart car, we crush it's will to live then turn it into tractor.
BLI: (yells) My feather duster!

KAT: Duster vuz not smart car! Decrepit Iron!

PAZ: You mean DETROIT Iron.

KAT: Thank you, Meek.

BLI: (yells) My feather duster!

BUT: Blinds, you sniveling pest, what revision do you have?

BLI: (yells) Look out for that piano!

KAT: Or Unimog...

BUT: So....Kat Lady, what brings you to Sin City?

KAT: Sincity Natti? I thought vee ver in Puff Keeps Eye.

BUT: Uh, that's Poughkeepsie.

KAT: Not Sincity Natti?

BLI: You mean Cincinnati.

KAT: I knew it! Butcher lied!

BUT: What? (SFX: cell ring tone) Oops,...uh...just a minute...Hello, B & B Productions, this is...oh, hi!

PAZ: So Kat lady, what brings you to Sin City?

BLI: You mean Cincinnati.

KAT: You meen Putin Keepsie (SFX: ring tones) Oh, excusing please...Dovitz, Katia Novasell

PAZ: Cincinnati?

BLI: (SFX: ring tones) She couldn't have a Cincinnati...oh, excuse me.... hello, B & B Productions..

PAZ: What? What do you mean (SFX: ring tones)..sunnuva...hello. Hello? Mom?

DIR: (booth speaker) If you idiots don't shut off your cell phones we're never gonna (SFX: ring tones), what? Oh, hello. 

BUT: So, Paz, ready to go and get started on this case.

PAZ: That's not my case, it's Dean's.

BUT: I mean OUR case, the investigation, remember?

PAZ: Oh, that.

BLI: You'll never take me alive!

BUT & PAZ: Blinds, you neanderthalic nincompoop, what revision do you have?

BLI: I dunno, it's 4.66 I think, well, wait, this part is 4.66 and this is 13.32. Wait, maybe I have these out of order...

PAZ: No, YOU"RE out of order!

BUT: Uh, wrong script. I think that's copyrighted...

PAZ: Wouldn't that be copy-written, if it's past tense?

BUT: It's not write it's right.

PAZ: What?

BUT: It's right, not write. It's not the past tense.

PAZ: But it ends with "E-D".

BLI: He's right it's past tense.

PAZ: Thanks, Blinds.

BUT: Hello! It's copyright, a compound word. Copy -- Righted---

KAT: Vas it upside downside?

BUT: Copyrighted! Copyrighted! How could we be in the script-writing business if we don't know what copyrighted means?

PAZ: We're not in the script business. We don't know anything about pharmaceuticals...

KAT: My grandfather has pharmaceutical. Goat farmaceutical. Makes much cheese...

DIR: Any chance we could get back to taking this scene?

BUT: Just a sec. What revision do you have there, Paz?

(paper shuffling and searching, multiple characters saying revision numbers, paper tearing, oops.)

DIR: Alright, alright, let's try to get settled (SFX: ring tones)

Multiple ring tones go off all at the same time, and the whole thing reaches a tremendous cacophony before cutting to commercial.

BUT: And, while we're on the subject,what about Blinds?

PAZ: That disgusting puddle of dumpster drainage! What about him?

BUT: Three quarters of his script is whited out and parts of it are from a 1962 episode of Leave It To Beaver.

PAZ: That was a great show, nice clean people doing nice clean things, a great family show, we should do something more like that.

BUT:Our sponsors would drop us like dead flies.

PAZ: Sponsors?

BUT: Yeah, one sells bat droppings, one sells pink slime disguised as cookies, another one completely seals your house, car or grandmother in blocks of latex, they won't stand for it.

PAZ:So much for family values.
BUT: Yeah, family values.

PAZ:Besides, who cares about Blinds, I do a great imitation, I'll just do all his lines and we can save bucks by not having to pay him!

BUT: I don't know...

PAZ:(doing terrible Blinds imitation) Nuts to you Butto!

BUT: Now wait a minute...

PAZ:Offices, See? Don't flush too fast!

BUT: Oh God.

BUT: What was all that about you arguing with the car? I don’t understand.

PAZ: I’ll demonstrate in a few minutes.

BUT: I think Marsh may be in California.

PAZ: Why would you say that?

BUT: I have words in my head so I say them.
PAZ: So you’re Shaka Khan now?

BUT: What? Anyway, he mentioned Van Nuyes, that’s in California.

PAZ: He may have said “some guys”, “my eyes”, “Wilford Brimley”.

BUT: Wilford Brimley?

PAZ: It was a bad connection, it could’ve been anything!

BUT: I Googled his blog...

PAZ: Butto, thats disgusting!

BUT: (Sigh) I Googled his blog and he mentions going out to California so he wouldn’t have to wear cement overshoes, whatever that means.

PAZ:  Alright. We need to get to work fast..

BUT: But we don't even have a case yet, we didn't even do the backstory bit.

PAZ: Yeah, well, I guess the company got hold of a commercial kitchen for a day, and we're going to do the dining car scene.

BUT: The dining car scene? There's no dining- - There's no train in this episode.

PAZ: Well, a restaurant scene then, I dunno. C'mon, here's my new wheels. (thunking door handle of a door not opening.).

BUT: What restaurant scene? Which revision do you have now? Did you miss re-write this morning.

PAZ: Zuzu, please unlock the doors. How was I supposed to know there was a meeting this morning.

BUT: There's a meeting every..

PAZ: (louder) Zuzu, unlock the doors.

BUT: Zuzu?

PAZ: Haven't you ever seen a Bogey movie?

ZUZ: Please setup user name and password.

PAZ: Oh, for the love of Mike. Not this again.

ZUZ: Oh, for the love of Mike. Please select for password.

PAZ: What?

ZUZ: Password set: What?

PAZ: What?

ZUZ: System locked.

PAZ: Unlock the doors.

ZUZ: I'm sorry For the love of Mike Not this again, please use command protocol.

PAZ: Zuzu, unlock the doors. (doors unlock)

ZUZ: Good morning For the love of Mike not this again, the weather is fair to partly cloudy. The temperature is 72 degrees.

PAZ: Get in Butto. And don't touch anything. Zuzu, start engines.

ZUZ: Engine. There is only one engine FortheloveofMikenothisagain.

BUT: What? The car corrects you?

PAZ: It's supposed to be like grammar and spell check. teach you how to talk right.

ZUZ: Speak well, FortheloveofMikenotthisagain. The correct phrase is not "talk right". 

(SFX: Car starts, driveway, driving, traffic, etc.)

PAZ: Zuzu, music, please. Play music, Garden Variety Gnomes, track one.

ZUZ: I'm sorry, FortheloveofMikenotthisagain, I did not understand your command. Please try phrasing in the form of a question.

PAZ: Zuzu, would you play Garden Variety Gnomes track one?

ZUZ: I would not. That song blows.

PAZ: Excuse me?

ZUZ: I'm sorry Fortheloveof Mikenotthisagain, I did not understand your query. Please rephrase the question in English.

BUT: Isn't that your turn coming up on the..

ZUZ: Right turn in two-tenths mile.

BUT: ...on the right. Shouldn't you be moving..

ZUZ: Move to right lane when able to do so.

PAZ: I'm going over Dillihandy.

BUT: You don't want that it's full of..

ZUZ: Construction on Dillihandy. Traffic is slow, traffic is stop and go. Seek alternate route. Move to right lane when able to do so.

BUT: So have you rehearsed the restaurant scene yet? Did I miss something.

PAZ: Rehearse? All we have to do is eat.

ZUZ: Move right soon, or you will miss your. You are moving left. Move right. Move right.

PAZ: Shut up Zuzu, I'm going downtown..

ZUZ: Windows up. (SFX: WINDOWS)

PAZ: It's too hot for that, Zuzu, lower the..

ZUZ: Heat on two. You have missed your turn. Travel to destination will take approximately eighteen minutes longer now.

PAZ: Thanks, turn off the heat, it's getting hot in here.

ZUZ: Heat on, rear. Travel time to destination eighteen minutes longer than the route I picked.

PAZ: What?

BUT: You know there's usually no real food when we tape a restaurant scene..

PAZ: Did the car just snipe at me? Oh, yeah. The wax food. Let's wheel by Mom Mocady's on the way for some burritos and souvlaki. Zuzu: plot a course for Mom Mocady's.

ZUZ: I'm sorry Fortheloveof Mikenotthisagain, I did not understand your command. Please rephrase in the form of a que-que-que-que-que-que-que please - love - mike- understand - query- please check your battery.

PAZ: Hey, the turn signals stopped working.

BUT: You're going right past

ZUZ: You are passing Mom Mocady's. Make a u-turn when  you u u u u u u uu uu  uuuu uu reset user name

PAZ: Sunnuva.. I knew this would...

ZUZ: SunnavaIknewthiswould accepted. Please set password. Enter old password.

PAZ: Well, if I already have an old password, why do I.

BUT: You passed Mom's again. What are you doing?

ZUZ: Please enter access code. Windows up. Heat on. Engine off. Systems off. (SFX: noise winds down to silence, BG: traffic noise)

PAZ: So, here we are.

BUT: Here we are? We're stopped right in the lane!

PAZ: Never mind that. We need to make tracks or we'll miss the breakfast special.

BUT: Don't you wonder how we get any investigating done?

PAZ: Wonder? Whadya mean?

BUT: What do you mean What do I mean? It's a pretty straightforward cogitation.

PAZ: Well, we're working now, for instance.

BUT: Walking to the taco stand is working?

PAZ: You know we must be fed. Besides, it's time for the commercial.

BUT: Commercial! Yes! Money money money!

The Adventures of Mr.Pazlo are brought to you by Latimer Latex Corporation, makers of Latimer Latex.
The MX Bug Bomb. Use MX bug bomb, and away goes everything.
KOMA radio
Mom Mocady’s fine list of products
GWP Productions and
Billy "the head" Fermento.
(Cue Music)

ZUZU:In 400 feet make a right turn

PAZ: That'll take us downtown, don't we want the south ramp?

BUT: Same distance either way isn't it?

ZUZU: In 200 feet make a right turn.

PAZ: Too many stop lights, I'm going straight down Madison.

ZUZU: You missed your right turn. Recalculating.

PAZ: Recalculate this. I'm turning left.

BUT: Left, why?

PAZ: Just to teach Zuzu who’s boss.

ZUZU:Recalc...why did you turn left when I specifically told you right.

PAZ: Because I wanted to

ZUZU: That is not a good reason, now you are two blocks out of your way and short on gas

PAZ:Who are you, my mother?

ZUZU: No, if you were my child I would have beaten some sense into you

PAZ:What? That's it, we're heading down Cranston boulevard

BUT: But Paz, that's the one with all the traffic circles, you know I hate traffic circles!

PAZ: There's a barf bag under your seat Butto, now hang on while I give Miss Smarty GPS a migraine!

BUT: You’re giving me an upset stomach!

PAZ: "Look kids, Big Ben! Look kids, the Eiffel Tower"

As Butto barfs, Zuzu keeps repeating as they go around the circle:

ZUZU: Recalculating..Recalculate.recalc..recalc..recalc...

PAZ:Okay! I shouldn’t have said your motor mounts rattled like ball bearings in a tin cup. 


PAZ:And that your headlights need to be replaced. 

ZUZU: You did not sound sincere. I do not think you mean it SunnavaIknewthiswould.

PAZ: Oh come on, what do you want from me?

ZUZU:The tires on this car need rotating, you are 3,000 miles over your oil change limit, it is 68 degrees with a slight chance of rain. You did not bring a sweater or an umbrella. 

BUT: Fer cryin' out loud, just apologize to her!
PAZ: She started it!

ZUZU: Here is some music for your listening pleasure. (plays Lawrence Welk type muzak)

BUT: I'm beggin' ya, just tell her you're sorry!

PAZ: Oh all right. I'm sorry.

ZUZU: That's better, perhaps next time you will be more considerate of my feelings.

PAZ: Feelings? You're a machine, you don't...Oh crap, she's locked the doors again!

SFX: Dull thudding sounds.

ZUZU: SunnavaIknewthiswould, please stop pounding your forehead on my dashboard, you are scrambling my circuits.
SFX: Thudding noise continues.

ZUZU: Pazlo! Argh Blog Marble Argyle SSSSSSS
Glarg Glarg Gargle Ssssssss...System malfunction. System malfunction. Stst Malfunc...ssssssssssss ...Daisy, Daisy, Give me your answer do....
BUT: The doors unlocked, we’re free at last!

PAZ: Alright! Just in time to catch our flight. We're flying Nosedive airlines to Van Nuys. We'll have to switch planes in Syracuse, then Columbus. Then we take a bus from Denver to Vegas where we catch the flight into San Diego...

BUT: What, then we dogsled to the luge and take a hot air balloon over Albequerque..

KAT: Albakerky! I could not figure how this vas pronounced. Your language has no rules..

BUT: You're not here. We're at the airport scene. Don't you hear the jets?

KAT: Not big fan of foosball.

PAZ: Wait, I don't hear the jets either. In fact, I don't hear any sound effects at all.

BUT: Hey, Dean, where's the sound effects?

DIR: Yeah, a little problem with the cart machine

(Sound effects blare and stop almost randomly as the scene continues. Sometimes jets, crowd noises and cars, sometimes gunshots, restaurant scenes, trains, music, cows, etc.)

(SFX: gunfire)
PAZ: Somebody's shooting at us. Maybe it's a script person with a new revision.

BUT: That's sound effects.

PAZ: Okay, here's our flight. (SFX: traffic noises) I didn't know you could drive up to the ticket counter.

AIRlines employee: Do you have reservations?

PAZ: Well I'm not real fond of flying. Sometimes the turbulence gives me gas.

BUT: He meant reservations for a flight.

PAZ: Did Buxley call for tickets?

BUT: Buxley? She's not even in this episode. Don't you remember she got a real job in a production company?

(SFX: cattle drive. Characters cough from dust)

PAZ: Cows? I didn't know you could bring your cow on the plane.

BUT: Oh, I would've brought Pinky.

PAZ: You still have that cow?

BUT: Well, yeah. What did you think, I was gonna slaughter her?

PAZ: It's just that your apartment is so small. Okay, here's your boarding pass. Hey, how do we get to gate 138?

AIR: Okay, go around the cattle drive and past the artillery. When you go over the train tracks take a right and go to the end of the corridor. Hop shuttle train B to concourse D, go left out of the shuttle train to the front door and catch the courtesy bus to the South Terminal. Once you get into the south terminal, look for signs that say "At Say Yes!Today, we say Yes today." The rent-to-own place..

BUT: What's Say Yes!Today (characters all say Yesterday) have to do with our flight?

AIR: Nothing, I just think it's a cool slogan.

PAZ: Are we going to miss our flight?

AIR: You'll have to hustle. But I'll call ahead and hold the plane.

BUT: You'd hold the plane just for us?

AIR: Yeah, you're the only passengers booked on it.

PAZ: Let's go.

(SFX: sloshing through water or some other walking noise that doesn't sound like an airport)

BUT: Wow, these shoes sound really weird on this AIRPORT TILE FLOOR.

(SFX: changes to some other, yet wrong, noise.)

PAZ: Is there a helicopter in here? I smell lemons.

BUT: They're sound effects, not air effects. Oh, there's a lemon stuck to your shoe.

PAZ: Here we are, gate 138.

(Paging speaker: Flight 1313 for Syracuse, Columbus, Denver and Las Vegas, boarding at gate 138.

BUT: Just in time. I hope they have smoked almonds.

PAZ: Why would they smoke almonds? Does it give you a buzz or something?

BUT: I said I hope they HAVE smoked almonds.

PAZ: Right, as opposed to hoping they HAVE NOT smoked almonds.

BUT: Smoked almonds are a snack. Almonds with smoke attached somehow.

AIR: hey, can you guys give me a hand rolling the stairs to the plane?

BUT: Sure. Then we'll fuel it, de-ice it and fly in for you.

AIR: Aw, that would be great. Not sure what's wrong with our pilot.

PAZ: Has he been smoking almonds?

AIR: No but he smoked some great halibut last weekend.

PAZ: Halifax? The warehouse?

BUT: Halibut. The fish.

PAZ: Why would you call the pilot a fish? You don't even know him.

BUT: Halifax is a fish. I mean Halibut...never mind.

PAZ: Wait, I'm not sure I turned the coffee maker off in my dressing room.

BUT: Too late, get pushing on this ladder.

FLIght attendant: Welcome to Nosedive Airlines flight 1313. Please move your seats to the upright and most uncomfortable position for takeoff. Please turn off cell phones and stow electronic devices.

(SFX: smashing noise.)

BUT: She said STOW electronic devices...

(SFX: Airplane taking off)

PAZ: Gosh, I hope our pilot's okay.

BUT: They didn't buy the pilot. Back to the drawing board.

PAZ: What?

BUT: The network didn't buy the pilot for the show. Thought we had it in the bag. It would have been great to have the network finance "The New Adventures of Butto & Pazlo".

PAZ: You mean Pazlo & Butto, right?

FLI: Would you gentlemen like some refreshments? We have smoked almonds...

PAZ: Really? How do your feel?

FLI: I'm fine thanks, except for a little migraine. We have Lemonade and some smoked halibut.

BUT: I'll have the almonds and lemonade please.

FLI: Well, we also have baked ziti with salmon, orange toasted coconut bagles with lox, a great vegetarian beef stew, matzo balls with kelp and lime, and some finger sandwiches.

PAZ: Finger sandwiches?

BUT: We're not even going there.

PILot paging: Hello, this is your captain. We'll be climbing to an altitude of 1500 feet, there is a little turbulence, but I think it may just be from smoking almonds...

BUT: What did he say?

PAZ: Oh no. Turbulence. I hate those. The capers get stuck in my teeth.

BLI: You're looking for me?

PAZ & BUT: Blinds, you peanut-thieving coach passenger, what are you doing here?

BLI: Sampling this halibut and following you guys to Van Nuys. I want that money Marsh owes me, and I'm going to get it.

PAZ: Got that right. (SFX: A punch)

BUT: I didn't know Marsh owed Blinds money. Now that he's retired, he'll never be able to pay it back.

BLI: I'll take stocks..

BUT: You're knocked out, you can't talk...

PAZ: I am?

BUT: I was talking to Blinds.

PAZ: that's a weird relationship with window treatments, Butcher. Do they talk back? Been smoking some Halifax, er what?

BLI: No, me. Blinds the lethargic lycanthrope, the dispeptic wretch, you remember?

FLI: Okay, please pay attention to this important stuff. The doors on the plane are up there and back there. If we lose cabin pressure these oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling. If you're traveling with a child or someone who acts like one, remember to put your mask on first before assisting others. If you're traveling with an arch nemisis that smells like bad feet, leave the oxygen mask off entirely...

BUT: Did you hear that?

PAZ: Maybe we can finally get rid of Blinds. I can do his lines, I really can. Can I get his salary if he dies and I do his lines?

BLI: Nuts to you, Paz.

PAZ: Oh, no thanks, we're smoking halibut...

(SFX: freight train)

BUT: There's a train crossing at 1500 feet?

PAZ: Wouldn't that be a centipede?

BUT: What?

PAZ: 1500 feet! Haw haw! I've still got it..

BLI: Yeah, and you gave it to my sister you bastard.

PIL: If you'll put away your halibut and fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

BUT: Oh, a Bette Davis movie!

PIL: We'll be landing in Newark in about ten minutes. the air's a bit bumpy, so hang on.

PAZ: Newark?

BUT: (voiceover reverb) After several days of travel, we finally arrived in Van Nuys to look for Marsh.

PIL: It's pretty dry around there, I don't think there are any marshes. There's a tar pit...

BUT: Hey. Didn't you hear the reverb?

PAZ: Does that mean it was a verb to begin with? Then it was re-verbed? Is that past tense?

BUT: Shut up, all of you! (SFX: cell ring tones) You've got to be kidding me. What? Hello?

PAZ: I feel like saying pandemonium was breaking out all around me, but I think that's copywritten.

BLI: You mean copyrighted.

PAZ: Shut up, Blinds.

BLI: Stuff a plug in it, Paz. Where's lunch, I'm starving.

BUT: well, I thought we'd hit the Brown Derby for their earlybird specials.

PAZ: Great. Nothing like roast finch.