Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Did you realize that we've been working on this thing since September of 2012?
This episode is a year and a half (nearly) in the making!
The guys have landed (crashed) the helicopter on the deck of the ship and have found March tied to a chair with his feet in a bucket of cement when they're caught by Mastriano's goons.
Apparently Marsh signed some papers without reading them, I'm thinking he signed all his assets over to Mastriano, or something along those lines.
Just had a thought, what if Blinds didn't have enough cash to buy his shares of B&B productions and borrowed heavily from Marsh.  The papers Marsh signed allow Mastriano to either collect the money Blinds owes him or he now owns 50% of B & B productions.
Anyway They now have to get past the goons & free Marsh and get away.
Holy Crapola, the guys have gone the long way around to get to the end, and still haven't had a bite to eat!  I think Blinds ate some breadsticks in one scene, but I could be wrong.   OOH! I'm not sure what I just did there, but my computer just highlighted stuff for no apparent reason and indented all the sentences.  Weird.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh! Love the whole financial swindle theme!! Mastriano owning GWP!!

    Agreed, they must be fed. Perhaps they'll go to the mess aboard ship.

    I'm dying to work on the Mike McDougall character, the Irish watchman that swears he's telling the truth.

    MIK: "Shore and you can cut me liver out if I'm tellin' a lie."

    PAZ: Ok, thanks Mike.

    MIK: "If I'm not tellin' the truth you can pop me own eyes out and fry 'em up with a couple of eggs and let me watch you eatin' 'em!"

    BUT: Ok Mike, we believe you. Thanks.

    MIK: If it's not the God's honest truth you can take a red hot poker and shove it far up my...


    And so forth for every time they ask for info, Mike gives a similar three-step crescendo ending with the guys shouting over the last disgusting bit! I love it.

    So...where's lunch?

