Monday, December 23, 2013

Episode 32 rev 41.326

BUT: This is getting us nowhere!

PTR: Der is a helicopter on de beach.

PAZ: I'm getting seasick from rowing in circles!

PTR: But der is a helicopter on de beach. 

BLI: I can't feel my legs!

PTR: Der helicopter on de beach. 

BUT: What about the freakin' helicopter?

PTR: I can fly it. 

PAZ: Seriously?

BLI: How can we get to it?

BUT: Are you kidding? 

PAZ: it's 30 feet away and the waters only 2 feet deep. 

BLI: Let's go!

SFX: Splashing noises. Door opening, Helicopter noises (How are we going to do this one?)

PAZ: Pooter, Piper, Peter, whatever the hell your name is, are you sure you know how to fly this thing?

PTR: Da, is simple, I pump fuel, I start blades, engage spark and...(motor coughing, sputtering)

BUT: Simple...right.

PTR: Quiet! It should vork, I know vhat I'm doink.

SFX: Grinding noises, motor coughing, starting; egg beater sounds.

PTR: Dere, is goink, strap one on, ve're flyink!

BUT: I think i'm gonna be pukeink! Can't you level this thing out?

PTR: Shut up and let me drive!

PAZ: Are we supposed to be spinning in circles? I thought only the rotors did that.

BUT: Barfing noises

BLI: There's the ship!

PAZ: Oh my God, we're gonna crash!

PTR: Dere vill be no crashink, hard landink, but no crashink!

SFX: Loud crashink...i mean crashing sounds.

PAZ: Get out quick, we'll take them by surprise!

1 comment:

  1. PAZ: Is a heavy fog rolling in or am I going blind?

    BLI: You axed for me?

    PAZ: With fog this thick we must be near San Francisco, no wonder Pooter
    ditched the eggbeater.

    PTR: Pietr, is pronounced Pee-ay-ter, Pee-ay-ter you bolshivoska kashkirov!

    BLI, BUT: Laughing.

    BLI: Kashkirov, oh thats too much! (loud laughter)

    PAZ: I can’t see anything! (Crash & stumble)

    MAR: OW! Watch where you’re walking!

    PAZ: (Over Marsh’s line) Ow! Watch where I’m walking!

    MAR: Pazlo you dunce, is that you?

    PAZ: Marsh! Why are you sitting out here in this fog, and why are your feet in that bucket?

    MAR: I was told this was a new type of spa treatment. They put my feet in this bucket of clay to clear up my athelete’s foot and they tied me to this chair to keep me from moving around too much.

    BUT: That’s not clay, it’s cement! Marsh, they’re going to kill you?

    MAR: Don’t jump to hysterics Butto, I’m perfectly fine. This clay is getting a little hard though, I can’t feel my big toes.

    PAZ: With a gut like you got, you can’t SEE your big toes!
