Sunday, December 2, 2012

SFX: (Darth Vader noises)

BUT: Blinds, put down the bong and get over here!

BLI: Woah! Good almonds.

BUT: Help me pick up Pazlo.  Hmm seems to've gained a few pounds since our last episode.

PAZ: What happened?

BLI: You keeled over like a ferry full of geriatric passengers.

PAZ: I remember, I had this terrible dream that you and Butto were running My show!

BUT: Umm Paz? We are.

PAZ: But what happened?

BLI: Are you mental? I told you you keeled over!

PAZ: No, not that, how did you two side kicks get in charge?

BUT: While you were watching skirts and martinis, we were watching our stock options.

PAZ: That's just wrong, this can't be happening!

SFX: Door opens/shuts

BUT: Who's that?

PAZ: I hope it's a script girl with a new revision, this one bites!

BUT:That won't change the fact that I am nĂºmero UNO

PAZ:This isn't a card game Butto


PAZ:Shut up Blinds! 

BLI: But it’s Dr. Yahtzee!

BUT:Dr. Yahtzee? I thought he was the Bulgarian cleaning woman?

PAZ:And just how do you know what a Hungarian cleaning woman looks like?

BUT:Not Hungarian, Bulgarian! You know, overweight, smells like garlic & beets, has a mustache. 

PAZ:Beets have mustaches?

BLI:Not the point!

CLEAN: No, not Yahtzee, Yahtchezka, cleaning woman of Armenia.
I brought new script. Revision 42 & 2/3.

PAZ: Whew, that was close, I thought we were goners for sure.

SFX: Door crashing open.

COP: FREEZE!  Everybody put your hands in the air.
You, the ugly one in the stupid clothes, stop with the jazz hands or I'll pump you full of lead!

BLI: Party pooper.